
Men for Missions depends on Financial Backing to Continue Our Commitment to Christ. 

Staff people travel thousands of miles each year to contact and challenge men for deeper commitment to Jesus Christ. Spiritual impact is impossible without prayer and financial backing. Literature, such as the ACTION Magazine, ministers effectively to many who otherwise might never hear of the opportunities for laymen to get involved in the Great Commission through Men for Missions. Proper funding keeps the presses rolling and publications moving. Behind the impressive accomplishments of Men for Missions are unseen but vital necessities-office operations, staff secretaries, office equipment and supplies – to ensure effective operations. These must be underwritten so that the ministry may continue. You, too, can minister through Men for Missions Ministries. Yes, by faith you may promise to help on a monthly basis. You, too, can help reach a world for Christ. You can donate online or mail your check to a respective office.

Donate to the Men for Missions General Fund:

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